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GWRJ Issue 1


Erin Frost

Exercises in Genre


Frost shares a narrative of doing genre research about quad charts from a technical writing perspective, using online resources and scholarly research.

Sarah M. Lushia

Making Pictures Talk: The Journey of Learning a New Genre


Lushia shares a narrative of doing genre research about audio descriptions using accessibility websites, and then teaching audio descriptions in a college writing class.

Patrick Donlan

Describing Torches Along Our Beach at Night: What I Learned about Writing Audio Descriptions 


Donlan shares a narrative of learning to write audio descriptions as a genre, receiving and revising based on feedback, and publishing an audio description of a piece of artwork.

M. Irene Taylor

Getting Personal


Taylor shares a narrative of what she learned about writing and herself by practicing the personal essay as a genre.

Anjanette Riley

Rules Are [not always] Rules: How I Learned that Grammar Rules Are Not Universal and What It Means for My Writing


Riley shares a narrative of how she learned that grammar rules are not universal, through writing for a new situation as a journalist.

Pankaj Challa

Real World Writing: Meet the Screenplay

Challe analyzes screenplays as a genre and identifies genre conventions using a scene from the Coen brothers’ film “Miller’s Crossing.”

Eileen Wiedbrauk

Making Memoir


Wiedbrauk breaks down the genre conventions of memoir writing using examples from personal essays.

​Courtney Schoolmaster

Follow the Bread Crumbs: Adhering to the Conventions of a Genre


Schoolmaster breaks down the genre conventions of magazine and newspaper writing using examples from feature articles.

Susana Rodriguez

Reading Visual Texts: A Bullet for Your Arsenal


Rodriguez analyzes advertisements as a genre and identifies multimodal elements from Apple ads, like images, colors, composition, and placement.

Joyce R. Walker

Just CHATting


Walker describes cultural-historical activity theory (CHAT) as a framework for investigating writing as an activity, using CHAT terms to unpack how complex literate activity is in our everyday lives.

Andrew Taylor

What Do Video Games and Writing have in Common?


Taylor describes what playing video games and writing have in common as activities that ask us to think about our audiences, learn from others, and identify specific goals.

Amy Newday

It’s a stoplight; it’s a spring; it’s a semicolon!


Newday describes some perspectives on grammar and punctuation as writing activity using quotations from people who have written about grammar and punctuation throughout history.

Gina Cooke



Cooke traces some histories of how language about writing and learning have come to be over time from the perspective of a linguist.

Heidi Guth Bowman

“Good Enough”: Getting the Writing Written and Letting It Go


Bowman shares a narrative about her writing history, including getting started, getting advice, and learning when to let things go.

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